Pollack Library group study rooms
210 | 4-6 students |
211 | 4-6 students |
305 | 2-4 students |
306 | 2-4 students |
307 | 2-4 students |
308 | 6-8 students |
309 | 6-8 students |
311 | 4-6 students |
312 | 4-6 students |
The library has limited space and would like to make it available to as many college students as possible—therefore, we ask that you please observe and respect the following regulations and guidelines:
- A group study room can be reserved for up to 2 hours by currently active YU university students (alumni are also allowed, but not during midterms or finals).
- A reservation can be renewed for up to 1 additional hour by asking library staff to extend their reservation if availability permits them.
- A reservation can be renewed for up to 1 additional hour by asking library staff to extend their reservation if availability permits them.
- If you do not confirm your reservation in your email inbox within 1 hour of booking, the system automatically deletes your reservation.
- Entering incorrect email addresses makes it impossible for you to confirm your reservation.
- Library staff will check to see that group members' email addresses match their addresses within the library's system.
- Valid YU IDs of all group members must be presented to library staff at the circulation desk (2nd floor) before your room key can be checked out.
- If you do not arrive within 15 minutes after the reservation start time to check out your key, the system automatically deletes your reservation.
- If you do not arrive within 15 minutes after the reservation start time to check out your key, the system automatically deletes your reservation.
- Keys must be returned when the reservation ends ($10 late fee + $10 every hour). The student who reserved the room is responsible for the key and its return.
- No inappropriate behavior or activities, or you will be blocked from making reservations and being in group study rooms for the remainder of the current semester.
- No food, or you may be fined ($10).
- Do not move chairs or furniture in or out of the rooms, or you may be fined ($10).
- Leave the room in good condition. Clean up trash and wipe down whiteboards, or you may be fined ($10).
- When a group uses a room, no one within that group is able to make any further reservations on their own (regardless of whether they are the individual who made the original reservation or not) for the remainder of the day (this includes post-midnight, before reopening later in the morning).
- 211 is for women only from 5pm until close.
- Rooms are intended for group study use. Rooms can only be reserved for individual use with advanced approval (at least the day before the reservation) by library staff—students must either ask in person at the circulation desk or email circulation staff at circwilf@yu.edu.
- Staff approval depends on when rooms are in high demand—therefore, no approval is granted for reservations occurring after 12pm, nor anything during midterms and finals.
Your Booking